After learning about the extreme amount of fresh water being used to combat high temperatures and frequent droughts in California, students completed a desalination project.

They learned how desalination uses evaporation to remove the salt, condensation to return to liquid, and collection to store the water. With this knowledge, students were given the scenario of being on a deserted island with scarce vegetation and no water. Their design challenge was to develop a design, using ocean trash to desalinate salt water.

The criteria for this project was that solar was the only energy source, and they could only use ocean trash such as plastic and metal containers, rope, and plastic bags.
The students used the following design process:
1. Find the need
2. Define the problem
3. Brainstorm to come up with ideas (write them down)
4. Select the most promising design
5. Plan and manage the project
6. Build, test, refine the design

This desalination project was not only a great way for students to exercise their knowledge of the water cycle but also a great way to practice working in a team that requires communication and creativity.