As you all know, Open House has become a huge event incorporating Big Day of Giving festivities and tons of arts performances. For the first time ever, this year there was a S.T.E.M. scavenger hunt that took participants through all of the science and math classrooms at PFAA.
This included searching for student projects and conducting various S.T.E.M. activities. It was highly recommended for middle schoolers to participate, so they could get a glimpse of what the science and math departments are like in their future at PFAA!
The rooms of the scavenger hunt included:
1. Marshmallow Challenge
2. Ecosystem Postcards
3. Map of a Town
4. Flappy Bird Coding Activity
5. Tessellations
6. Ceiling Frame Murals
7. Microscopes and Slides
8. Reactions in a Bag Lab
9. Floating Tin Foil Boats Activity
Overall, this scavenger hunt was a great culminating event to display the hard work of PFAA's science and math departments.