Both the biology and chemistry classes spent class time utilizing interactive websites that enhanced their learning.

The biology classes discovered the process of protein synthesis by playing the Protein Synthesis Race. This website is full if virtual labs in which students tested themselves on protein synthesis, transcription, translation, amino acids, ribosomes, tRNA, mRNA, nucleotides etc.
They then used their knowledge to create monsters for Halloween. To create the monsters, the students modeled the process of protein synthesis and how those proteins result in phenotypic changes. These were their directions:
1. Roll the dice - The number rolled will determine which DNA sequence used for traits that include number of eyes, legs, arms, hair type and color, skin color and a special feature.
2. Record the number rolled and DNA sequence on the transcription and translation data worksheet
3. Transcribe the DNA to mRNA.
4. Translate the mRNA into an amino acid sequence using the provided codon chart.
5. Determine the phenotype of the trait using the amino acid sequence key.
6. Repeat until all seven traits have been identified.
7. Draw a picture of your monster.

This was a fun project for the biology students to apply their knowledge of protein synthesis in spooky, creative way. It also utilized an interactive website, which forces students to concentrate their learning in a different way.
In Chemistry, students explored an online periodic table to discover the Periodic table trends in atomic radius. Later, they will build on that knowledge to understand Periodic Table trends of electronegativity and how electronegativity creates polar bonds in molecules.

They used this online periodic table to calculate the atomic radius for many different elements. By clicking around on the periodic table and analyzing their radii, students identified the trends they saw from the top to the bottom of a group and from the right to the left of a period.
By recognizing the trends in the arrangement of the periodic table, the chemistry students were able to predict the order of silicon, calcium, carbon, fluorine, and caesium from smallest to largest atomic radius.
After their predictions, the students reflected on the following vocabulary:
Electron Shielding: As more electrons are added to an atom, the inner electrons “shield” the outer valence electrons from the attractive force of the protons in the nucleus. The more electrons an atom has, the more “shielded” the valence electrons are, allowing the valence electrons to be further away from the nucleus.
Effective Nuclear Charge: The more protons an atom has, the stronger the protons will attract the electrons toward the nucleus.
After analyzing the online periodic table, the students were able to draw connections between the subject's heavy vocabulary and trends they noted.
Both the interactive protein synthesis race and online periodic table enhanced the science student's learning across their class topics. Through these virtual learning tools, students demonstrated their learning application skills into fields of technology, analysis, and constructing conclusions.